====== Secure Tokens ====== ~~TOC~~ \\ **Secure Token** (Token) is useful for merchants which are required to perform regular payments without the card holders entering their information. This feature enables merchants to enter the payment card details and store them in a secure way, in order to use it in the future for recurring payments. Considering that only PCI-DSS certified merchants are allowed to store card details, the **Secure Token** feature can remove this concern from the merchant's domain. The **Secure Token** feature is located under the "**Customers**" tab in the **%SelfCare** system. %secure_cards Also: * Secure Tokens can be shared with different terminals under the same Merchant or Merchant Portfolio, as long as those elements are configured to allow that. * Our **Secure Token** feature works together with our **Subscription** feature, meaning that a Secure Token needs to be registered before you can set up a **Subscription** for regular payments. The following subsections will present more details on each action regarding this feature. ===== Secure Token Registration ===== To register a new Secure Token go to the "**Secure Tokens**" feature and choose "**Register New Secure Token**" button. Then fill in the card details and make sure that you complete all the fields. * Merchant Ref - merchant's reference for the Secure Token. * Card type - Master Card, Visa Debit, Visa, etc. * Card number - complete card number * CVV - this is going to be required depending on settings on your terminal. * Expiry date - month and year. * Cardholder name - complete card holder name printed on the card. An error message will appear if there are any incomplete details, as shown by the next images. Once all the details have been entered, click on the "**Register**" button in the bottom right corner to save the Secure Token details for future use. You can view the details of your new Secure Token in the list of all registered cards under "**Secure Tokens**" menu. If your card requires CVV code or your Terminal is configured to perform Secure Token validation (CVV mandatory or not), the Payment Gateway performs an account verification before registering the Secure Token: * If the CVV field is informed, the CVV response returned is verified and if it's positive the Secure Token is registered, if not, an error is generated. * If the CVV field is not informed, the result of the transaction is verified and if it's successful the Secure Token is registered, if not, an error is generated. * Depending on the Payment Processor used by the Terminal, the account verification can be performed in two distinct ways: * A 0.00 (zero) amount transaction or, * A 1.00 (one) currency unit amount transaction followed, when successful, by its voiding (both transactions will appear in your batch). If you would like to see the details of this transaction, go to "**Reporting**" tab and then to "**Open Batch**" section. Please see below the examples of common **Error messages** occurring during new Secure Token registration process, due to __incomplete details__ entered: "There are errors in your form. Please review and retry". %secure2_cards \\ %secure3_cards \\ %secure4_cards \\ %secure5_cards ===== Secure Token Editing ===== When accessing the Secure Token option,all the previously registered Token are listed. You can also search for Secure Tokens by "Merchant reference" or by other criteria in the Advanced filter. In order to edit the details of a Secure Token, click on the "Edit" link next to the required Secure Token's details. %secure_card_edit \\ Please note that you are not able to amend the Merchant Ref, modification date and Card Reference. (Please remember that you cannot use the same Merchant Ref which was already used for another card twice, to register or edit a new Secure Token, even if the previous card has been deleted). Important Notes: * **I**. You can choose a different **Card Type** from the available selection. * **II**. If you wish to edit the card number, tick the box "**Update Card Number**" and then put the new card number. Then tick the box "**CVV required**" if your card requires CVV and enter the correct CVV code. * **III**. You can also amend the cardholder's name, if needed. * **IV**. If you do not want to make any changes, click on "**Cancel**" button in the bottom right corner and you will return to the all Secure Tokens list. * **V**. When you make sure that all the new details are correct, click on the "**Update**" button to save the changes. This way, new updated **Secure Token** will be saved in the place of the old, incorrect one. For example: %secure2_card_edit %secure3_card_edit %secure4_card_edit \\ When you click on "**Update**", the new Secure Tokens details are saved and they appear in the "**Secure Tokens**" list. Please note that if there is no 'tick' sign next to card reference number, it means that this card was not CVV validated. %secure5_card_edit